Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
From PubNight
Among the works of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle may be found the following pubish related quotes:
- Holmes pushed open the door of the private bar and ordered two glasses of beer from the ruddy-faced, white-aproned landlord
- If those are not the trousers for which my tailor is about to sue me, may I never taste beer again.
- "You take my tip," he said to an elderly man beside him. "You stick to the beer. The sperits in here is clean poison, and it's a sin and a shame as they should be let sell such stuff
- If my father did but drink a cup of small beer more than his wont, or did break out upon provocation into any fond oath, as "Od's niggers!" or "Heart alive!" he would mourn over it as though it were the seven deadly sins.
I'm not sure that this is enough to gain him Pub Night Literary Guru Status myself.