


From PubNight

name=Cheltenham Beer Festival| address=Old Patesians Rugby Club, Everest Road, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire| postcode=GL53 9LG| phone=01242 524633| website= page=4th Cheltenham Beer Festival| originally=| also_named=| image=| caption=| nickname=| lastvisit=11/7/2009| who=Rich,Nick,Steve,Paul,Hamish,Colin,Simon| brewery=27 different brewers| beers=lots!| beer_rating=| rating=| rating_comment=| old_ratings=| previous=| description=Cheltenham beer festival in aid of the Samaritans| summary=| history=| notes=Cheltenham beer festival in aid of the Samaritans| lat=51.877317| lon=-2.067401| group=chelt|