
Missing Information

From PubNight

Revision as of 14:34, 2 June 2013 by Steve (talk | contribs)
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Digraphs required

Generic Out of town

Pub name Suggested Digraph

Boating Holiday Pubs

These are pubs that are visited by the PNBH group. The group field for these pubs should contain boat.

Pub Name Suggested Digraph
The Vine (Kinver) VK
Bull & Bladder BB
The Anchor (Woodseves) AI
The Raven, Brinklow (Dazza 5 pints) RB
The Admiral Rodney, Brewood (one of the greatest pints ever) AR
The Bridge on the way into Burton (best (strongest) Pedigree ever) BR
That pub in Burton with the dartsboard and the charity lockins
The Old South Yorkshire SY
The Bridge at Dunhampstead BD
That cracking pub somewhere in Little Haywood (I think)
The (Red?) Dragon in Worcester Added as DI
The Cape of Good Hope (just what you need before Hatton) Added as CP

Data Maintenance

At the moment a lot of the pubs do not have fully populated data sets.

Steve is working on filling in the Last Visit dates but other fields do need work.

Missing data fields:

  • Total number of pubs missing lat/long 150
  • Total number of pubs missing address 60
  • Total number of pubs missing postcode 46
  • Total number of pubs missing a group 2

To update information go to the Pub Maintenance page and follow the Digraph Link for the pub in question


  • rating = what is the rating of the pub (0 = purgatory, 12 = Nirvana).
  • beer_rating - using the CAMRA Ratings (0=dire, 5=V good)


Not many of these filled in either. Comma separated (no spaces) lists of breweries supplying the pub. These will automatically be turned into clickable links.


Used to group pubs into logical sets. Currently the known groups are:

Group id Description
oot OOTPG pubs
boat PNBH pubs
nra Pubs with No Real Ale
closed Pubs that have closed
chelt Pubs in Cheltenham - ALL pubs with no group specified have been moved into this group Steve 13:10, 31 May 2006 (BST)
pnr Pub Night Recommends - For those really Top notch pubs that are a must.
upton Pubs in Upton Upon Severn
glos Pubs in Gloucester
lon Pubs in London

Pubs can of course belong to more than one group.


Again - lacking in information. Comma separated (no spaces) lists of beers available in the pub. These will automatically be turned into clickable links. When the beer has a common name (like IPA) then put the full name of the beer (e.g. Greene King IPA, Henry IPA etc.).


Should be a comma separated (and yes NO spaces here either) list of attendees.


Over time we plan to add a picture to a lot of the pubs.

For each pub we need a nicely sized photograph and preferably a suitable caption. At the moment PubNight only supports 1 photograph per pub in its dataset. If you have more than one picture then upload it as normal, go the the Page for the pub and add the additional photos using the instructions given here.

There is a page which displays Thumbnails of Pub Photos